作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
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Donald Mudenge

As a wordpress developer, Donald的主要工作重点是理解项目需求,并为问题提供最佳解决方案.


Previously At

Carnegie Mellon University

In the early days, people used WordPress only as a blogging tool. However, today WordPress covers more than 50 percent of the market share for CMSs, supporting nearly 60 million websites worldwide.

作为构建网站和其他在线应用程序的常用平台, misconceptions have spread like a forest fire, keeping people away from WordPress.

In this article, I outline and explain the five most common WordPress taboos and myths, clarify them and offer solutions on how to overcome them.

Debunking WordPress Myths

1. WordPress is significantly more likely to be hacked.

Many people believe WordPress is the most easily hacked CMS. While there is some truth to this, it’s not the full story.

For instance, let’s consider Microsoft Windows. Because it’s the most commonly used operating system (OS), 它比其他操作系统受到更多病毒和木马威胁的可能性要高得多. But we stick with it because it’s user-friendly. 和Windows一样,WordPress是对开发者最友好的CMS,所以我们应该坚持使用它.

Still, we should be aware of its security issues. 这里有一些你可以采取的预防措施来保护你的WordPress网站.

Regularly backup your WordPress site. Infrequent updates make your site more susceptible to hacks. I recommend backing up your site, at the very least, weekly. There are many plugins that help. One such plugin is BackupBuddy, which costs about $80.

While backup plugins can be costly, they are definitely worth it.

Alternatively, there are free plugins, such as Ready! and UpdraftPlus.

Additionally, some hosting providers allow users to download a backup, although they are not usually a specific WordPress solution.

So, if you need to restore a backup created by the hosting provider, you need to know what you are doing. For example, it is possible that you miss taking the database backup, or you don’t know how to restore a backup cleanly. Eventually, you end up hiring a professional WordPress engineer to restore the installation for you.

By using plugins, you can easily take the backups, schedule them, and with only a few clicks, restore them whenever necessary.

Never use admin as your username as it signals an easy path for hackers. Do not worry if you’ve already selected admin 在安装过程中作为您的用户名,因为您可以很容易地更改它.


After a successful login with the new username, delete the old one.

If you don’t want to create a new username, you can change admin privileges directly in PHPMyAdmin, but keep in mind, 直接编辑数据库是危险的,因为它很容易犯错误并丢失大量数据.

You may want to consider using a plugin such as Limit Login Attempts as well. 这个插件使您能够限制登录尝试的次数,并在登录尝试失败的一定数量后禁止IP.

Next, I strongly recommend using the plugin HideMyWP, to hide the fact that you’re using WordPress completely. HideMyWP隐藏您的登录链接,并重命名网站正在使用的主题和插件. 它是一个完整的安全解决方案,在一个插件与所有保护一般WordPress需要.

您可能需要考虑托管WordPress托管解决方案,例如 WPEngine or Pantheon. 这些服务负责安全,自动更新WordPress并为您的网站生成备份. By choosing a managed WordPress solution, you can rest assured your site will be safe, allowing you to focus on managing your site’s content and features.

Should all of these precautions fail, 下一步是限制允许访问和访问的白名单IP地址的数量 /wp-admin/ section of your website. 阻止除IP地址之外的所有IP地址是最简单的方法.

正如我已经提到的,这可以通过使用HideMyWP插件来实现. 然而,当你去度假或换地方时,别忘了关掉它.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to mess with IP addresses, this plugin gives you the option to hide your login page. 在暴力攻击的情况下,黑客将不知道要攻击的确切URL.

2. WordPress is just blogging software.

Back in 2004, WordPress was only a blogging system. Today, WordPress is a highly versatile tool. WordPress是使用经过全面测试的编程语言和技术,PHP和MySQL开发的. Both of which are widely customizable and extendable.

WordPress is not limited to text. It supports images, audio, video, and document files.

For example, the WooCommerce plugin, transforms WordPress into an eCommerce store. And BuddyPress turns WordPress into a social network.

Likewise, there are plugins and themes for everything, including classified listings, membership sites, affiliates, marketplace, eCommerce sites, and more. At the moment, there are more than 40,000 plugins available in the WordPress repository – most of which are free.

Unlike Magento, Moodle, phpBB, and the like, WordPress is not a platform dedicated to a single use case. A lot of stuff can be created with WordPress.

Let’s take a look at another example. Have you tried the Hello Bar application? Do you know its history? It was developed by using WordPress as the core foundation.

Due to its excellent features, many top brands are powering their websites with WordPress.

If you need more convincing, consider the fact that every month 37 million searches are made about WordPress.

The same statistic indicates that, at times, WordPress.org receives more unique visitors than Amazon.com. 此外,WordPress还提供40多种语言的翻译.

3. WordPress professionals are designers.

WordPress has one of the cleanest admin panels among CMSs. However, 它还能够同时执行多个数据库查询, making it extremely powerful.

To be more specific, WordPress有一个干净的数据库结构来处理所有的处理, and managing it is not a job for solely a front-end guy, or a designer. WordPress requires a professional, logical and experienced developer to extend its functionality, most likely with the help of various plugins available.

因此,任何WordPress专业人士的工作都不仅仅是一个普通设计师的工作. It requires much more knowledge and programming skills.

4. WordPress isn’t an enterprise solution.

许多人认为WordPress不是一个大型的企业级解决方案,所以更喜欢定制的应用程序. However, this is just a myth. Still, 重要的是要记住,所有企业都应该对其数据库进行优化和适当伸缩,以便最大限度地发挥其潜力.


My biggest argument for using WordPress as an enterprise solution is that its back-end is easy to use and highly intuitive. 此外,作为主要更新的一部分,其他cms倾向于更改和重新设计其管理面板. WordPress does not do this, as it always keeps its users in mind.

Furthermore, WordPress has excellent built-in SEO support. I would even argue that WordPress is the most SEO-friendly platform. 正如你所知道的,一个seo优化的网站对于被搜索引擎发现是至关重要的.

Most enterprises prefer multi-language sites. WordPress offers multi-sites 使用多种语言,使WordPress成为复杂网站的最佳工具.


5. One WordPress requires one database.

A majority of intermediate and even some expert-level WordPress developers believe it is gospel to have one database for each WordPress installation; they find it hard to believe otherwise.

但是,您可以使用单个数据库安装任意数量的WordPress. 有些人会认为它有一个免费的托管,并将使用它的极限.

可以使用一个数据库无限制地安装WordPress, but only until the database reaches its limit. This wonder can be achieved by editing the database prefix in the wp-config.php file.

Also, it’s possible to share tables with more than one WordPress, for example, when you need to share user access with more than one WordPress.


With this feature, you can create as many sites as you like under a single URL, which will act as sub-sites of one URL. They will maintain the same theme, plugins, and hosting account.

Furthermore, each sub-site will have its own administrator, while the main site will have a super administrator, who can access them all. 此外,网络管理员还可以管理站点之间的网络. 这个WordPress功能不仅方便,而且经济实惠.

It may not be as easy to create multi-sites using some other CMS.

Forget the taboos.

The truth is, there’s no reason people should avoid using WordPress. It’s is an awesome application full of possibilities.

As a bonus, there are plenty of online resources available that help in managing WordPress. Even from the financial point of view, having WordPress as a website, eCommerce store, membership portal, forum or other kinds of portal, is affordable with higher standards.

这是一个具有成本效益的冒险,因为它以低廉的价格提供了无限有趣的设计. On average, most of the themes cost less than $50, and plugins are mostly around $5.

Everyone has access to this excellent, 开源软件可以用于从博客到管理网站内容的所有事情.

只需遵循安全预防措施,保护自己免受黑客攻击,并享受其功能. WordPress是任何门户网站服务和CMS的最佳在线应用程序之一.

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Donald Mudenge

Located in Toronto, ON, Canada

Member since October 27, 2016

About the author

As a wordpress developer, Donald的主要工作重点是理解项目需求,并为问题提供最佳解决方案.

Toptal作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.


Previously At

Carnegie Mellon University

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